No. At least for me. I haven’t made this one work at all and I always have to resort to a dirty workaround. According to MSDN documentation, setting this property to true should direct your aggregate to return SQL-null when applied to an empty table which is exactly what you wanted. However, this is not the case. Let’s take a look at this naive example of a UAG which simply concatenates the string value of a column:
Format.UserDefined, MaxByteSize=8000, IsNullIfEmpty=true)]
public struct ConcatStr : IBinarySerialize
SqlString _concatenatedStrs;
public void Init()
_concatenatedStrs = null;
public void Accumulate(SqlString value)
if (value == SqlString.Null)
_concatenatedStrs += value;
public void Merge(ConcatStr group)
_concatenatedStrs += group.Terminate();
public SqlString Terminate()
return _concatenatedStrs;
#region IBinarySerialize Members
void IBinarySerialize.Read(System.IO.BinaryReader r)
_concatenatedStrs = new SqlString(r.ReadString());
void IBinarySerialize.Write(System.IO.BinaryWriter w)
if (_concatenatedStrs != SqlString.Null)
There’s nothing fancy about the codes and its implementation is pretty much straightforward. The quirk is, you don’t get a “NULL” if you apply this to an empty table as you see here
The workaround is simple. You need a flag that you can check if the Accumulate() method has been called or not. Accumulate() is called for every row in a table so no-call on this means the table is empty. Here’s the modified codes for our string aggregator
,MaxByteSize=8000, IsNullIfEmpty=true)]
public struct ConcatStr : IBinarySerialize
SqlString _concatenatedStrs;
bool _isEmpty;
public void Init()
_concatenatedStrs = null;
_isEmpty = true;
public void Accumulate(SqlString value)
if (value != SqlString.Null)
_concatenatedStrs += value;
if (_isEmpty==true)
_isEmpty = false;
public void Merge(ConcatStr group)
_concatenatedStrs += group.Terminate();
public SqlString Terminate()
if (!_isEmpty)
return _concatenatedStrs;
return SqlString.Null;
#region IBinarySerialize Members
void IBinarySerialize.Read(System.IO.BinaryReader r)
_isEmpty = r.ReadBoolean();
if (!_isEmpty)
_concatenatedStrs = new SqlString(r.ReadString());
void IBinarySerialize.Write(System.IO.BinaryWriter w)
if (!_isEmpty)
if (_concatenatedStrs != SqlString.Null)
You shouldn’t forget to serialize the flag. Failure to do so wouldn’t preserve its value and it would always have the value in the initialization. If you put a breakpoint, in the terminate event, you could clearly say this one works.
And the result is what you expected:
The same workaround can be applied to any data type of your return value, be it a value-type or UDT. For example, if you don’t apply a workaround like the one below to an integer UAG, you get zero instead of null for an empty table!
public struct SumInts
int _accumulator;
bool _isEmpty;
public void Init()
_isEmpty = true;
public void Accumulate(SqlInt32 value)
if (value != SqlInt32.Null)
_accumulator += value.Value;
if (_isEmpty)
_isEmpty = false;
public void Merge(SumInts group)
_accumulator += group.Terminate().Value;
public SqlInt32 Terminate()
if (!_isEmpty)
return new SqlInt32(_accumulator);
return SqlInt32.Null;
I still hope I would be proven wrong with my findings. But until then, I just have to content with this dirty codes. What’s important is that it works.
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